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Ilić Aleksandar
Simplicity d.o.o.

Član broj: 2954
Poruke: 3859

ICQ: 4849714

+68 Profil

icon Re: Konferencija u Evropskom Parlamentu o Bilderberg Grupi11.06.2010. u 15:27 - pre 170 meseci
samo mi reci kako da pogodim koja poruke ovde nema veze sa temom :D. Kad zaista ne mogu da shvatim o cemu se ovde prica :S
Odgovor na temu

Odin D.
Mlađi referent za automatizaciju

Član broj: 37292
Poruke: 2549

+8370 Profil

icon Re: Konferencija u Evropskom Parlamentu o Bilderberg Grupi11.06.2010. u 15:34 - pre 170 meseci
Pa u principu sve imaju direktno ili indirektno veze sa temom (tj. barem ilustruju kredibilitet napisanog), osim sto su napisane na "donekle neprimjeren" nacin :)

Ali eto, ne moras da brises u rikverc, objavi da ces brisati 'od sada', mozda i tako upali!?
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 140959
Poruke: 99

+6 Profil

icon Re: Konferencija u Evropskom Parlamentu o Bilderberg Grupi11.06.2010. u 16:22 - pre 170 meseci
Otprilike svaka poruka koja ima veze sa Odinom, nema veze sa temom
Odgovor na temu

Odin D.
Mlađi referent za automatizaciju

Član broj: 37292
Poruke: 2549

+8370 Profil

icon Re: Konferencija u Evropskom Parlamentu o Bilderberg Grupi11.06.2010. u 16:55 - pre 170 meseci
^Precutacu, evo kao sto sam i rekao, necu da pisem nista sto nema veze sa temom, samo da vidim kad cete vi poceti da pisete nesto sto ima veze sa temom, sada kada vas u tome niko ne ometa....

Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: Konferencija u Evropskom Parlamentu o Bilderberg Grupi13.11.2010. u 20:31 - pre 165 meseci

Jbt, gde mi zivimo :(
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: Konferencija u Evropskom Parlamentu o Bilderberg Grupi27.02.2011. u 09:19 - pre 161 meseci
Alex Jones kralj ! :))

Odgovor na temu

Lokacija: Mordor

Član broj: 52949
Poruke: 122

+78 Profil

icon Re: Konferencija u Evropskom Parlamentu o Bilderberg Grupi27.02.2011. u 11:18 - pre 161 meseci
Gledajući Alex Jonesa, zapitam se zašto posle normalni ljudi misle da su "teoretičari zavera" psihički neuravnotežene osobe?

Nego, evo još jednog zanimljivog videa.
Govori premijera Australije i Kanade povodom podrške napadu na Irak. Ne bi tu bilo ništa čudno, da im govori nisu apsolutno identični. Vidi se da se gospoda hrane u istoj kuhinji

Eeee a mene u školi učili da je premijer najviša izvršna poluga vlasti i da je nezavisan u svom radu i borbi za narodni interes, a ne da je nečija lutka

Internet forumi su kao javni toalet... udje ko želi, ispiša se gde poželi, i ode...
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 279312
Poruke: 20

+7 Profil

icon Re: Konferencija u Evropskom Parlamentu o Bilderberg Grupi27.02.2011. u 13:29 - pre 161 meseci
p3j4: ... "teoretičari zavera" ...

Ja nikada nisam cuo da nesto izraz "teorija zavere" znaci, uglavnom ga koriste oni koji realnost zavere kamufliraju sa recju teorija...
Ne postoje teorija zavera, vec samo zavere, a lako se to da proveriti...samo vidi da li se u tu zaveru uklapa povecanje bilansa na racunu onih na koje se sumlja...

Sve se zna i svi sve znaju samo je pitanje koliko su dobili ili cime ucenjeni oni koji te stvari nazivaju "teorijom", jel teoriju poistovecuju sa recju "laz" ... tipa "lazna-umisljenja-prdaleznicka-filozofska" zavera.

[Ovu poruku je menjao PhaseLinear dana 27.02.2011. u 21:58 GMT+1]
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 222787
Poruke: 14

+168 Profil

icon Re: Konferencija u Evropskom Parlamentu o Bilderberg Grupi27.02.2011. u 21:24 - pre 161 meseci
Govori premijera Australije i Kanade povodom podrške napadu na Irak. Ne bi tu bilo ništa čudno, da im govori nisu apsolutno identični. Vidi se da se gospoda hrane u istoj kuhinji

Komonvelt čini čuda!
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: Konferencija u Evropskom Parlamentu o Bilderberg Grupi28.02.2011. u 00:21 - pre 161 meseci

Eeee a mene u školi učili da je premijer najviša izvršna poluga vlasti i da je nezavisan u svom radu i borbi za narodni interes, a ne da je nečija lutka

Na internacionalnoj sceni postoje mnogo jaci igraci nego sto su nekakvi premijeri raznih drzava. Prava diplomatija se odigrava iza kulisa. Pa tek kada se tu dogovore onda premijerima, ministrima i ostalima podele papire sa napisanim tekstom koji treba da procitaju. Pa gledaj samo Ban Ki Muna. Covek samo procita sta pise na papiru a po faci mu se vidi da u pola slucajeva nema pojima ni sta cita ni zasto.
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: Konferencija u Evropskom Parlamentu o Bilderberg Grupi23.04.2011. u 16:23 - pre 159 meseci

Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: Konferencija u Evropskom Parlamentu o Bilderberg Grupi29.05.2011. u 10:37 - pre 158 meseci
Iz ciste dosade, reko ajde da vidim sta ima novo kob Benjamina Fulforda, za koga sam prilicno siguran da radi za "vladare iz senke", kako se to popularno zove ovde na temama u zadnje vreme. Kad imam sta da vidim, covek se raspisao o temama iz Srbije, da ne verujes. Nemam pojima da li je ista od toga tacno, verovatno da nije al ko ce da zna, a i mrzi me da proveravam jel me ne interesuje toliko. Al, mozda ce nekome biti interesantno.

We have been asked to publish the following e-mail and passport picture by our colleagues

The person that goes by the name in the pasport that wanted to set me and my sister for international organised crime 10 days ago is well know to the world as John David Neighbor.

John David Neighbor, who was arrested in "Saric" motel with Momcilo Perisic, is officially an employee of the American Embassy in Belgrade. In fact, he is a secret agent. The YA counter-intelligence agents know Neighbor as Jim Barcas. A man under that name has already been named persona non grata in Macedonia, Greece, Austria, Bulgaria and Italy. It seems that the center of his activities was Yugoslavia, where he came by in the late 80's. According to the rumors, American Ambassador in Belgrade Bill Montgomery stopped making threats when General Aco Tomic sent him documentation of foreign intelligence services about Neighbor as well as a video-cassette showing activities of Neighbor an Perisic. Neighbor, alias Barcas, has already left Serbia.

Serbia, FR Yugoslavia, March 20, 2002When Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic saw the film, which shows how deputy Prime Minister Momcilo Perisic hands documents to an American secret agent, he had no choice. The following day, he asked Momcilo Perisic to resign. However, Djindjic didn't see the entire video-material, which the YA (Yugoslav Army) Counter-Intelligence Service (KOS) possesses. Our sources close to the military intelligence service claim that there are six video tapes, besides the one filmed in "Saric" motel nearby Belgrade, which shows how Perisic delivers military documents to John David Neighbor, chief of the CIA for the Balkans and the first secretary of the American Embassy in Belgrade.
Perisic has been under surveillance both of the KOS and the State Security Police for several years because of his contacts with foreign spies. Both services have come to the same conclusion - the former YA Chief of Staff cooperates with American intelligence services. It isn't publicly known that the Yugoslav Army arrested Perisic in late 1999 for cooperating with Americans. Namely, general Nebojsa Pavkovic claimed that Perisic had taken American general Wesley Clark to Kosovo in 1998 and identified targets for him while he was the YA Chief of Staff. However, military officials, who held Perisic's destiny in their hands at that time, concluded that Pavkovic's accusations were exaggerated and based on personal strife between two generals. Consequently, Perisic lost only the rank of general. The KOS believed that Perisic was cut off from the sources in the Military Headquarters. However, confidential documents began disappearing from the Military Post 1122.
The first suspect was Lieutenant Colonel Miodrag Sekulic, who worked in Pavkovic's cabinet. In 1994, Perisic brought Sekulic to the cabinet of the YA Chief of Staff. Sekulic's task was to record the meetings and sessions in the Military Headquarters. He remained at that position even when Pavkovic became the YA Chief of Staff. It turned out that Sekulic gave documents to Perisic, who later delivered them to American secret agents. The YA believed that Americans blackmailed Perisic with the Hague Tribunal but it turned out that Americans gave him money for his activities.
"I don't know anything that might be interesting for the Hague," Perisic said forBlic News weekly last month when he was asked to comment on the fact that he was one of few members of Milosevic's military hierarchy who haven't been identified by the Hague Tribunal either as witnesses or as suspects.
When his military friends asked him the same question, he gave an unconvincing answer that he performed only defensive activities in Zadar in 1991 and in Mostar in 1992 so that he wasn't interesting for the Hague.
However, Carla del Ponte and American agents weren't interested in Perisic regarding Zadar and Mostar but in connection with Srebrenica, where the Republic of Srpska Army massacred 7,000 Muslims in July 1995. According to the sources of Blic News weekly, American agents blackmailed Perisic using tapes that prove that Perisic gave instructions to general Mladic about certain phases of the attack on Srebrenica in July 1995.
Some Army officials claim that Perisic has worked for the CIA since 1998. Since then, he has given them several hundreds of documents. Although the Yugoslav Army doesn't want to reveal which documents Perisic gave Americans, it is believed that most of the documents refer to the YA's roles in the wars in Croatia and Bosnia. However, some of the documents contain data on the YA, referring to the period after its conflict with the NATO.
The arrest took place in "Saric" motel, on March 15, at 3 a.m. and not the previous day at 8 p.m. as it was firstly announced. Perisic didn't choose the place to meet Neighbor at random. The owner of the motel is Perisic's good friend from the period when Perisic was the Chief of the Artillery Center in Zadar. Saric had restaurants in Knin and Zadar. YA secret agents, who were active in the region of Knin, say that Saric had good connections with foreign secret agents.
However, Perisic's precautionary measures weren't good enough. General Tomic personally led the operation in complete secrecy. Namely, members of the YA Second Intelligence Department, which is under command of general Tomic, knew nothing about the arrest. Tomic engaged members of the Counter-Intelligence Technical Center of the YA Security Department (KOTECE) to arrest Perisic. According to the Rules of the YA Security Department, members of the KOTECE and KOG (Counter-Intelligence Group of the YA Security Department) inform only the head of the KOG about arrests. The head of the KOG must inform the chief of the YA Security Department, General Tomic, about the action. However, General Tomic doesn't have to inform his superior, General Pavkovic, about that action.
The important question is why Perisic was arrested at this time? The YA doesn't want to answer that question but it can be concluded that Milosevic's trial and announced extraditions represented a good moment for discrediting the deputy Prime Minister as a politician and a potential witness against Milosevic.
Regardless of the recent affair, Perisic was doing his best as the YA Chief of Staff to bring the YA closer to the NATO. Perisic had relatively good connections with the commanders of western armies, despite general political climate. During the escalation of the Kosovo crisis, the cooperation reached its peak at a meeting with the NATO commander for Europe, American General Wesley Clark, in Belgrade on October 26, 1998. However, some departments of the YA Headquarters established certain level of communication soon after Perisic was appointed for the first man of the Yugoslav Army in 1993. Those contacts, which opposed general isolation and Yugoslav confrontation with the NATO, continued; Perisic's contact with Neighbor probably results from that cooperation.
Americans weren't averse to cooperation with Perisic either. That became obvious in winter 1996. After Dayton's Agreement had been signed and American contingent in IFOR (forces that protected fragile peace in Bosnia) increased, greater mobility of the forces became necessary. The NATO wanted to introduce transport and communication lines through the territory of the FRY. Milosevic was willing to open toward the West after the war in Bosnia-Hercegovina but only General Perisic made a practical move for establishing cooperation with the American army.
The first contingent of units and equipment for IFOR landed at the Belgrade airport in February 1996. Several transport airplanes C-17 landed in Belgrade and unloaded weapons, equipment and soldiers of an American division. It was probably very important for Americans since American General George Julvan, the NATO commander for Europe at that time, came to Belgrade to meet Perisic. From that moment, Perisic began advocating that Yugoslavia join the Partnership for Peace, which would later lead to joining the NATO.
However, Milosevic's political assessments and lack of willingness for cooperation with the NATO, as well as the conflict with the KLA in Kosovo destroyed good relations between the YA and western allies. Consequently, the atmosphere of conflict returned to the level of 1992.
After pressure had been exerted on the YA and Police to end the first phase of operations in Kosovo, Perisic met Wesley Clark and chairman of the NATO Military Committee Klaus Neuman. They signed a military agreement regarding the beginning of the NATO operation called "Eagle Eye" - air surveillance of movements of the YA and Police in Kosovo. Perisic had to guarantee inactivity of the Anti-Aircraft units. Later, Pavkovic interpreted this operation as Perisic's cooperation with Americans because it enabled Americans to identify all the targets in Kosovo.

The person that goes by the name in the pasport that wanted to set me and my sister for international organised crime 10 days ago is well know to the world as John David Neighbor.

John David Neighbor, who was arrested in "Saric" motel with Momcilo Perisic, is officially an employee of the American Embassy in Belgrade. In fact, he is a secret agent. The YA counter-intelligence agents know Neighbor as Jim Barcas. A man under that name has already been named persona non grata in Macedonia, Greece, Austria, Bulgaria and Italy. It seems that the center of his activities was Yugoslavia, where he came by in the late 80's. According to the rumors, American Ambassador in Belgrade Bill Montgomery stopped making threats when General Aco Tomic sent him documentation of foreign intelligence services about Neighbor as well as a video-cassette showing activities of Neighbor an Perisic. Neighbor, alias Barcas, has already left Serbia.

He is working now for the Brithish Mi6 for "Niva." He wanted to set me up for COCAIN trafincing and moneylondery from Herion HULK funds thats is RABBIT HALLJITI money. (The bigest ALBANIAN MAFIA BOSS in EUROPE)

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