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Član broj: 25133
Poruke: 691

Jabber: ghost2k3

+8 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?07.12.2009. u 13:29 - pre 176 meseci
Sta je decjim vakcinama, koje smo svi dobili i koje dajemo deci? Jel one imaju te "opasne" skvalene i ostala chuda?
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 28980
Poruke: 200

+744 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?07.12.2009. u 14:50 - pre 176 meseci
One gotovo sigurno nemaju squalene, barem za sada. Od 2009 je EU poceo da ih koristi u vakcinama protiv gripa (takodje 2009 je radjena "studija" iz koje su brzometno zakljucili da je to "bezbedno"), dok u USA aditivi/boosteri u vakcinama jos nisu dozvoljeni. Tako da je to prilicno nova stvar i koliko sam ja uspeo da nadjem koristi se mahom u vakcinama protiv gripa. Ja bih to izbegavao, barem sledecih 10 godina dok se nenakupi solidna statistika.

Ja pre nego sto dam vakcinu detetu proverim na net-u sta kazu o njoj, koje sastojke ima, i da li postoji neka bolja/bezbednija od nekog drugog proizvodjaca (neke vakcine sam kupio sam, jer smatram da su bolja opcija od ove koju daju u domu zdravlja). Recimo, generalno je uvek bolje dati vakcinu koja je samo za jednu dozu/upotrebu, nego ono sto se povremeno koristi za masovno vakcinisanje (boca sa vishe doza), jer ta pakovanja za vishe upotreba sadrze nekoliko puta vishe konzervansa (zive) koja moze biti potencijalni uzrok nervnih oboljenja.

Ah, da, mislim da je od 2004-2005 EU izbacila thimerosal (konzervans na bazi zive, ali ne i ostale) iz gotovo svih vakcina koje se daju kao obavezne, jer se vodila velika polemika oko toga da li on izaziva autizam i ostala oboljenja kod dece koja su genetski osetljiva. Naravno, svako je ostao pri svom tvrdjenju - jedni tvrde da je "dokazano" da je bezbedan, dok drugi tvrde da je farmaceutski lobi lazirao statistiku i cak objasnjavaju kako (postovao sam na ovoj temi govor Robert F. Kennedy juniora). Naravno dobra vest je da je ta vrsta konzervansa (navodno) izbacena kod svih novijih vakcina (za nashe nisam siguran, treba proveriti sa Torlakom). Uvek treba proveriti koji tip vakcine, od kog proizvodjaca, i njen sastav pre davanja - i ne primati vakcine bez preke potrebe za bolesti koje se mogu prelezati prirodnim putem.

[Ovu poruku je menjao a1200 dana 07.12.2009. u 16:18 GMT+1]
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 28980
Poruke: 200

+744 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?07.12.2009. u 15:34 - pre 176 meseci
Trials are beginning on Novartis' H1N1 vaccine and Novartis is recommending that children participating in the trial receive two doses of the experimental vaccine that reportedly contains ingredients found in spermicides, cleaners, and cosmetics as well as thimerosal and squalene (MF-59) -- raising concerns because the only safety checks for the children participating in the tests are a few blood draws and follow-up phone calls but no neurological testing, and adverse reactions to the Swine Flu vaccines being tested are being purposely omitted by researchers.
Participants of the study being conducted on children were not allowed to know the exact ingredients of the experimental vaccine on the grounds that it was a study and that the information is privileged. However, there are some clues that can be obtained from the parental consent form.
Page two of the form informs you that MF-59 is an adjuvant that is used in influenza vaccines licensed for adults and/or the elderly in many countries, but not in the United States. So, if children are being used as guinea pigs in the study, why is vaccine that is licensed for adults and/or the elderly going to be used on newborns, children and pregnant women?

MF-59 (Squalene) is listed by the U.S. National Library of Medicine as being too dangerous for human use. Squalene is not licensed for use in the U.S. The anthrax vaccine used on Gulf War veterans in the early 1990's was laced with Squalene. It is known to have had disastrous consequences, which include Gulf War Syndrome and ALS. Information on the toxicity and adverse effects of Squalene are available from the National Library of Medicine.

In 2006, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny wrote an article noting the dangers of Squalene. Squalene is manufactured naturally in the liver as a precursor for cholesterol. Ingested Squalene is different from injected Squalene. When Squalene is injected, it can lead to self-destructive immune responses such as autoimmune arthritis and lupus. Squalene in MF-59 can cross react with the body's Squalene on the surface of human cells. Destruction of the body's own Squalene can lead to the diseases mentioned above and other central nervous system diseases.

Novartis has not performed testing for the carcinogenicity of MF-59 adjuvant or any of their other preventive vaccines and has no plans to.

Children -- the guinea pigs -- participating in the trials receive a brief physical exam, vital signs and body temperature are measured, blood samples are taken to check for immune response, diaries are reviewed with the staff and there are some follow up phone calls. Since these children are being reviewed for 13 months, how can they claim the vaccines are safe for public use in less than 2 months? There are eight investigational vaccine formulas being tested. Participants have no idea which ones they are receiving.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 4832
Poruke: 2066

+419 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?07.12.2009. u 16:22 - pre 176 meseci
Interesantno je koliko se kontradiktornih informacija može naći. Sad ako je neko podložan teorijama zavere eto veselja :)


Innoculation Misinformation

As for formaldehyde and antifreeze, we'll deal with those claims further down.

"No one should take this vaccine—it is one of the most dangerous vaccines ever devised. It contains an immune adjuvant called squalene (MF-59) which has been shown to cause severe autoimmune disorders such as MS, rheumatoid arthritis and Lupus. This is the vaccine adjuvant that is strongly linked to the Gulf War syndrome, which killed over 10,000 soldiers and caused a 200% increase in the fatal disease ALS (Lou Gehreg disease)."

"The vaccine / adjuvant combination being referred to as the "swine flu vaccine" has apparently never been safety tested or approved by the FDA."

"What is terrifying is that these pandemic vaccines contain ingredients, called immune adjuvants that a number of studies have shown cause devastating autoimmune disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and lupus."

"This vaccine has 1 million times more Squalene than the original Gulf War vaccine… 1 million times more Squalene than the Anthrax vaccination that caused Gulf War Syndrome; remember that all 146,00 soldiers that got this vaccine became very ill.

PLEASE do NOT get this vaccine. Swine Flu is a MILD flu. The vaccine however may just change your life dramatically for the worse!!!"

Some of the messages make a false claim that the vaccine contains an ingredient linked to Gulf War syndrome and, in the words of one e-mail, "is one of the most dangerous vaccines ever devised." But unlike thimerosal, squalene is not an ingredient of the vaccine. The claim is simply wrong.

Squalene is an organic compound produced naturally by humans (and some of the things we eat). It's commonly found in cosmetics, but emulsions of squalene can be used in vaccines as an adjuvant – a substance that makes a vaccine work better. Chain e-mails claim that this flu vaccine contains squalene as an adjuvant, that the adjuvant has never been tested, and that squalene will cause severe autoimmune disorders. In fact, flu shots in Europe have used squalene emulsions as an adjuvant since 1997 – according to the World Health Organization, 22 million doses have been administered without ill effects. But no vaccines with a squalene adjuvant have been approved in the U.S. So far, the only approved vaccines that contain adjuvants use aluminum salts.

The idea that vaccines containing squalene were responsible for autoimmune symptoms came from a 2000 article on Gulf War syndrome published in the journal Experimental and Molecular Pathology. The researchers found that of 38 veterans with Gulf War syndrome, 95 percent had squalene antibodies ("anti-squalene") in their blood, and blamed the anthrax vaccines that soldiers received before being deployed. Of 12 veterans without Gulf War syndrome, the researchers said, none had anti-squalene. A letter to the editor in the journal's next issue criticized this study for failing to give enough evidence that the test could detect squalene antibodies in the first place. The critics wrote: "[T]he conclusions… purporting to relate anti-squalene with Gulf War illnesses, in our opinion, rely on circular logic. Positive results with an assay not validated to detect antibodies cannot be used as scientific proof that antibodies to the antigen exist in samples of unknowns."

Since then, the U.S. military has revealed that the vaccines these soldiers received didn't even contain squalene – they used alum, the only adjuvant approved for use in the United States. According to the Institute of Medicine, the Department of Defense requested a study on the squalene content of their vaccines and found that most had no squalene and some had negligible amounts: "The study report, dated August 14, 2001, found that 1 lot of over 30 lots tested contained measurable levels of squalene. Three samples from that lot contained squalene at 7, 9, and approximately 1 parts per billion, respectively. Use of vaccine from that lot has not been associated with elevated rates of adverse events." A later study, published in 2004 in the Journal of Immunological Methods, found that all study participants – veterans who'd gotten the anthrax vaccine and regular joes – had squalene antibodies, and that there wasn't much variation between the groups. They did find evidence that women had higher amounts of anti-squalene, and that the antibodies increased with age.

In any event, the H1N1 vaccine being administered in the U.S. could not contain a squalene emulsion, because there are no approved U.S. vaccines with a squalene adjuvant. And as it turns out, this vaccine, like the seasonal flu vaccine, has no adjuvant at all. The FDA has released the ingredients of the approved vaccines, and none contain squalene.

Other False Vaccine Dangers
"Of the 347 man crew that were vaccinated, 333 contracted the H1N1 flu FROM THE VACCINE. Two died, as mentioned above, and 331 survived. Only 14 of the 347 vaccinated sailors did not show any ill effects from the vaccine…The truth is that the swine flu epidemic will be created BY THE VACCINE. If we don't take it, there will be no epidemic. From this one test it's apparent that the vaccine as tested on that ship's crew in April is 96% effective at infecting the recipient with swine flu. Such an infection rate is impossible to achieve by any natural means. Though it only killed 1% immediately, there is no telling what the long term effects on those injected with the vaccine will be."

"Today I heard a that the H1N1 Virus Shot contains one (or more) of the same chemicals as contained in Agent Orange. Is there any semblance of truth to this rumor??

"It all harkens back to 1976 when a previous formulation of the swine flu vaccine paralyzed and killed thousands of Americans. Turner was one of the attorneys instrumental in halting that vaccine, and he fears a repeat situation could potentially recur today. He told NaturalNews, '[In 1976] they were intending to inoculate 200 million people. We stopped them… and somewhere between 40 and 50 million people were vaccinated. What ultimately brought it down is that a substantial number of people got "French Polio" [Guillain-Barre syndrome], a paralysis that goes… through the body, and if it goes far enough you die.'"

Another claim is that the vaccine causes Guillain-Barre syndrome, a paralytic illness. It's true that in 1976, adults in New Jersey who received a different swine flu vaccine were found to have an elevated risk of GBS – about 10 extra cases per million people vaccinated. "Thousands of Americans" did not die or become paralyzed due to the vaccine, as one e-mail asserts. According to one study, 532 people developed Guillain-Barre syndrome after having recently been vaccinated. Subsequent monitoring found either a much smaller increased risk or none. The CDC concluded: "Available evidence indicates that any risk of GBS from influenza vaccine appears to be far lower than the risks associated with influenza among persons for whom the vaccine is indicated." The CDC does recommend that people who have already contracted GBS not get the H1N1 vaccine.


Half-truths are the most dangerous ones aren’t they? Novartis and GSK are indeed developing H1N1 flu vaccines with adjuvants containing squalene. In fact, they’ve been doing it for more than a decade – but I don’t want to give away the punch line. Let’s examine the rest of Dr. Mercola’s claims first.

Adjuvants cause your immune system to overreact to the introduction of the organism you’re being vaccinated against.

No. Adjuvants are used to get your immune system to recognize and react to antigens that do not trigger a sufficient response on their own. Sometimes this is because the antigens are poorly reactive without being attached to a virus or bacteria like they usually are. Other times it is because we use such a minuscule amount of antigen compared to what occurs during an infection that it’s invisible to the immune system. For example, vaccination against Hepatitis B exposes you to a total 30 mcg of antigen compared to 1100 mcg/hour produced during an infection6. Regardless, adjuvants take your immune response from next to nothing to just enough to induce immunity.

Less vaccine required per person means more individual doses available for mass vaccination campaigns. Coincidentally, this is exactly the goal of government and the pharmaceutical companies who stand to make millions from their vaccines.

Dr. Mercola’s on to us! Maybe he saw the latest batch of H1N1 vaccine delivered in one of our unmarked black helicopters. We should really be more careful.

It is no coincidence that we are trying to make hundreds of millions of vaccines at a limited cost. It is fully intentional. The world is faced with the need to produce hundreds of millions of doses of influenza vaccine with a limited amount of antigen and a limited amount of time. Failure to meet the demand will result in rationing of vaccine supplies and will leave people vulnerable who desire and deserve to be protected. Again, we would have needless suffering and lives lost. If the use of an adjuvant can help meet this demand, reduce costs, and save lives, then yes, it should be strongly considered.

Before I leave this comment, I’ll take the opportunity to point out that pharmaceutical companies, doctors, and hospitals stand to make a lot more money from an uncontrolled pandemic than from its prevention. The money spent on antivirals, antibiotics, sedation and pain medications, physician and hospital billing for the 200,000 people hospitalized in the US during a normal flu season would compensate them far better than profits from vaccine sales. It’s almost as though, against our financial interest, all of our efforts are designed to keep people from getting sick…

Your immune system recognizes squalene as an oil molecule native to your body. It is found throughout your nervous system and brain. In fact, you can consume squalene in olive oil and not only will your immune system recognize it, you will also reap the benefits of its antioxidant properties.

The difference between “good” and “bad” squalene is the route by which it enters your body. Injection is an abnormal route of entry which incites your immune system to attack all the squalene in your body, not just the vaccine adjuvant.

Your immune system will attempt to destroy the molecule wherever it finds it, including in places where it occurs naturally, and where it is vital to the health of your nervous system.

Gulf War veterans with Gulf War Syndrome (GWS) received anthrax vaccines which contained squalene. MF59 (the Novartis squalene adjuvant) was an unapproved ingredient in experimental anthrax vaccines and has since been linked to the devastating autoimmune diseases suffered by countless Gulf War vets.

There are several points that could be addressed in this section, including anti-oxidant abuse, the childish (and incorrect) description of “good” and “bad” squalene, and the evidence refuting the claim anthrax vaccine given to Gulf War vets contained squalene, much less that it is the cause of Gulf War Syndrome (GWS). However, the main claim Dr. Mercola makes here is that squalene, when injected, will trigger an immunologic response and that these squalene-specific antibodies will then cause untold havoc in your body. That’s a testable hypothesis, and don’t you know scientists just love to test hypotheses?

To support his assertion he cites a small cohort study from 2000 that reported anti-squalene antibodies in veterans afflicted by GWS. Case closed, right? Not so much. A larger and better-designed study found no correlation between the presence of squalene antibodies and symptoms of Gulf War Syndrome. More important regarding vaccine safety, a subsequent study using more sensitive and accurate methods than those used in the study by Asa established that anti-squalene antibodies are present in a large percentage of adults regardless of exposure to squalene from vaccines, and are unchanged by subsequent exposure to squalene containing adjuvants.

In other words, adjuvants containing squalene don’t induce an immune response to squalene. No antibodies are created to cause whatever autoimmune phenomena Dr. Mercola cares to postulate, including GWS. His hypothesis fails..........

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 28980
Poruke: 200

+744 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?07.12.2009. u 16:51 - pre 176 meseci
A s' druge strane neki su podlozni da veruju u sve sto im se servira preko "javnih" medija. Kao na primer na celu ovu pricu o "pandemiji"... cudo, eto, kako se ta prica "zaboravila" kad je bila sahrana Patrijarha Pavla, pa je 500 000 ljudi zbijeno odavalo postu i ljubilo isto mesto... verovatno je tada A H1N1 uzeo godisnji odmor, a i posle potpisivanja ugovora sa Novartisom - odjednom je, zacudo, prica o svinjskom gripu pala na drugo mesto... poceo je naglo da "jenjava" :)

Nego, ja uvek slepo verujem onima koji svoj proizvod hvale i na njemu debelo zaradjuju - ipak oni znaju najbolje. Mene bi zacudilo, s' obzirom na kolicinu para i uticaj big pharme, da na netu nepostoji barem odnos 100:1 u korist korporacija koje valjaju ovu vakcinu... ono, neko dobije pare napravi "studiju", napishe clanak i tako to.

Toplo ti preporucujem gledanje filma The Insider (1999) - po istinitom dogadjaju.
Ja sam se najezio gledajuci ga... mozda ti to da "hint" kako se ponasaju korporacije kad je profit vs zdravlje u pitanju. Sta je na prvom mestu, i kako izgedaju njihova saopstenja za javnost (tj. dok cela stvar ne pukne).
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 4832
Poruke: 2066

+419 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?07.12.2009. u 17:16 - pre 176 meseci
Evo kako ja razmišljam. Grip, svaki pa i ovaj ima neku jednačinu-pravilo po kojem se širi u populaciji. To epidemiolozi bolje znaju. Ako u pravom trenutku zatvoriš škole na tačno određeno vreme mnogo mu otežaš širenje i na trenutak ga suzbiješ. Ono što je sigurno je da će se pri kraju zime ponovo vratiti kada su ljudi i najpodložniji ovakvim infekcijama. Tada je organizam iscrpljen jer se zimi unosi manje voća i povrća a boravi se u zatvorenim prostorijama više nego tokom ostalih toplijih delova godine. Upravo tada sam i ja zakačio onaj grip i bio bolestan verovali ili ne mesec dana, prvo grip a posle i početna faza zapaljenja pluća. Bio sam toliko iscrpljen da nisam mogao da napravim dva koraka. E sad ja ne želim da mi se to ponovo desi. Prošle sezone sam se vakcinisao, nisam bio ni dana bolestan a bio sam stalno izložen, isto tako sam se vakcinisao i ove sezone i za sada takođe nisam imao nikakvih problema a skoro svi su izostajali po nedelju dana jer su imali temeraturu i sve što uz to ide.

Što se tiče zarade kompanija. Naravno da će da zarade, oni su uložili novac u istraživanja i ako to što naprave koristi i trebaju da zarade.

Naravno da ne verujem svemu što čujem u medijima i dobro je što u tanka crevca što se kaže analiziramo sastojke, i mene to interesuje. Nešto novo naučim i tako. Ali to sve treba raditi umereno i oprezno i filtrirati informacije jer ako se to ne radi može se lako skrenuti u paranoju a to nikako nije zdravo :)
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 28980
Poruke: 200

+744 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?07.12.2009. u 17:47 - pre 176 meseci
Evo ja se nikad nisam vakcinisao protiv gripa. Pre dve godine sam imao ovaj "obican" grip i max temperaturu 39+... lezao nedelju dana i jako loshe se osecao, sa 2 dana jako visokom temperaturom (do te mere da sam se jedva kretao, loshe drzao ravnostezu, nisam jeo - tj. nesto jedva i na silu)... pa mi ne pada na pamet da se vakcinisem zbog toga. Godinama sam izlozen, nekad ga zakacim, a nekad prodju godine (i to naravno bez vakcinacije) kad oboljevaju svi oko mene, a ja ga ne dobijem.

Problem sa korporacijama je u onoj margini "Sta je to dovoljno bezbedno da bi se moglo izbaciti na trziste i napraviti profit? I to pre nego sto to uradi konkurencija" - e vidis, tu je problem u toj formulaciji "dovoljnog" koja zna da debelo ide na stetu velikog broja lakomislenih ljudi, koji su u fazonu: Pa ne bi oni to nama uradili? Pa to je provereno, i mi imamo ministra (HA HA!) koji bi to poslao na analizu i ne bi nam dao nesto sto je stetno... e to je problem.

Sto se paranoje tice, ja da sam paranoican ne bih uzeo ni jednu vakcinu u zivotu... sto nije slucaj. Ali kad neko ocigledno potura vakcinaciju kao sredstvo za skretanje fokusa sa gorucih drustvenih pitanja ( politickih - ratovi, ekonomskih - svetska kriza, bankrot sopstvene privrede/bankarskog sektora) i pritom ostvaruje enormni profit... e tada se ozbiljno zabrinem, i pocnem da citam izmedju redova.

[Ovu poruku je menjao a1200 dana 07.12.2009. u 23:55 GMT+1]
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 37217
Poruke: 12059

+5251 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?08.12.2009. u 15:03 - pre 176 meseci
Pa u tome i jeste problem.

Ti si bolovao, kunjao i PREZIVEO. Ha, u tome i jeste kvaka, sada se sepuris sa antitelima i pravis problem kompanijama da moraju da modifikuju grip za zilave pojedince.

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 4832
Poruke: 2066

+419 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?08.12.2009. u 18:17 - pre 176 meseci
:) Pa i u jednom i u drugom slučaju organizam sam stvara antitela protiv virusa. Samo što u slučaju kada primiš vakcinu imunom sistemu daš fore da se na vreme spremi kada navala virusa dođe odjednom. Time izbegavaš stresiranje kako ti kažeš "kunjanje" od nedelju dana. Zdrave osobe to možda i mogu da sebi priušte ali nekome ko je već "načet" nekom drugom bolešću to može da bude kap koja će preliti čašu. :(
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 206609
Poruke: 329

+7 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?08.12.2009. u 20:01 - pre 176 meseci
Novinari otkrili: Svinjski grip je prevara!
Danski novinari su utvrdili da su stručnjaci Svetske zdravstvene organizacije (SZO) dobijali novac od farmaceutskih kompanija, koje su usled panike od širenja novog gripa ostvarile prihode od najmanje sedam milijardi dolara od prodaje antivirusnih lekova.

I još ovo:
Sve više falsifikovanih lekova u EU
Broj falsifikovanih lekova u Evropskoj uniji se stalno povećava, a za samo dva meseca je zaplenjeno 34 miliona lažnih tableta lekova tokom carinskih kontrola u svim zemljama članicama, izjavio je evropski komesar za industriju Ginter Ferhojgen nemačkom dnevniku "Velt".

E pa beli lukac nije falsifikovan!

Barem ovaj koji ja koristim,normalno sa slaninicom,domaćom,pre toga guc "kajsije",moje domaće,a posle čaša doobrog crvenog vina!
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 178292
Poruke: 758

+586 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?08.12.2009. u 20:15 - pre 176 meseci
Masovna vakcinacija protiv svinjskog gripa u Nemačkoj je izostala. Nemačka država sada sedi na zalihama vakcine sa kojima ne zna šta bi. Pokrajine koje su finansijski najgore prošle, žele da ih prodaju u inostranstvu.

Kad bi se i desio "drugi talas" agitacije, nema sanse da navuku ni 15% vakcinisanih u naresnih par meseci, sto bi bilo duplo manje nego sto se vakcinise inace u DE od sezonskog gripa.

Treba uvaliti ostatak dok je jos sveze. Mozda Srbija dobije brze prvu kolicinu, a Tomica se pohvali kako je pazario povoljno da zastiti narod :)


Nemačke pokrajine su u jeku opšte panike oko svinjskog gripa, kojoj su kumovali mediji i farmaceutska industrija, na brzinu nakupovale vakcine od firmi Novartis i Glakso Smit Klajn. Ti koncerni sada zadovoljno trljaju ruke, jer im se agitovanje isplatilo – a to je jedino što ih stvarno zanima.

Sada pokrajine čupaju kosu na glavi i pokušavaju da u inostranstvu nađu kupce za vakcinu koju Nemci neće. Vlada u Berlinu ih uverava da je dobro što ima vakcine: „Dno krivulje ne sme da nas zavara“, poručuje ministar zdravlja Filip Resler; „Može doći drugi talas epidemije, virus može i da mutira“, tercira mu šef Nemačke lekarske komore Kristof Fuks; „Ne treba potceniti rizik“, upozorava šef Udruženja lekara Karl Hajnc Miler.

Posle prvog, uvek dolazi drugi čin

No, nastupilo je ono što je dnevnik Vestdojče algemajne cajtung nazvao „drugim delom farse“: „farmaceutska industrija je želela brzu i dobru zaradu, Svetska zdravstvena organizacija (SZO) je velikom brzinom proglasila pandemiju, pa političarima i vlastima nije preostalo ništa drugo nego da naruče vakcinu. A onda su se nagomilale greške, jer vakcina nije dovoljno testirana, pri čemu su čak i zagovornici vakcinisanja odvraćali trudnice od nje – a ljudi su dovoljno inteligentni da prepoznaju glumatanje ministra zdravlja Reslera koji još želi da ih ubedi u neophodnost vakcinisanja“, piše ovaj list.,,4994198,00.html

Industrija trenira malo marketing ;)
Svasta cemo gledati u buducnosti.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 4832
Poruke: 2066

+419 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?08.12.2009. u 21:15 - pre 176 meseci
I Ezop je pisao o tome.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 137113
Poruke: 738

+1554 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?08.12.2009. u 21:23 - pre 176 meseci
Nikada se nisam vakcinisao, neću ni sada. Nisam imao grip, pa bar 10 godina. Rekao bih da imam dobar imunitet, ali sam svako malo prehlađen, pa sumnjam u to. Ali me grip obilazi, i neka nastavi
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 153477
Poruke: 1946


+492 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?08.12.2009. u 21:57 - pre 176 meseci
btw, Tomica je izjavio danas (čuh na Index radiu) da se on neće vakcinisati jer nije u rizičnoj grupi :))))
Tada sam pogledao kroz prozor... Imao sam sta da vidim... Napolju je bila fabrika MACIJE TRAVE! Morao sam nesto da ucinim!
Odgovor na temu

Lokacija: Mordor

Član broj: 52949
Poruke: 122

+78 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?08.12.2009. u 22:03 - pre 176 meseci
there is no conspiracy here, just get your damn vaccine :)

Internet forumi su kao javni toalet... udje ko želi, ispiša se gde poželi, i ode...
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 206609
Poruke: 329

+7 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?09.12.2009. u 06:54 - pre 176 meseci
etjen: btw, Tomica je izjavio danas (čuh na Index radiu) da se on neće vakcinisati jer nije u rizičnoj grupi :))))

Da li je iko u ovoj smejuriji od države ovlašćen da hapsi ovakve vajne ministre???

Nije se Apisu valjda seme zatrlo...
Odgovor na temu

Boris Krstović

Član broj: 7594
Poruke: 2458


+771 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?09.12.2009. u 16:16 - pre 176 meseci
etjen: btw, Tomica je izjavio danas (čuh na Index radiu) da se on neće vakcinisati jer nije u rizičnoj grupi :))))

Valjda mislis - zrtvovao se da bi ostala jedna vise za nas, narod kome sluzi :)
Jeff, one day you’ll understand that it’s harder to be kind than clever.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 153477
Poruke: 1946


+492 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?09.12.2009. u 16:55 - pre 176 meseci
^ e, da, to je verovatno hteo da kaže.

Ma ''tuga''...
Tada sam pogledao kroz prozor... Imao sam sta da vidim... Napolju je bila fabrika MACIJE TRAVE! Morao sam nesto da ucinim!
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 37217
Poruke: 12059

+5251 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?09.12.2009. u 17:50 - pre 176 meseci
Pa moramo onda "svetski" da reagujemo..tako nam ispiraju mozak da treba da delamo:

"... and inceremoniously breaks an iron bar on her back..."

Citat dela komentara ispod linka, uz zamenu sa "his"


Odgovor na temu

andjela pizzeli
na odredjeno....

Član broj: 234293
Poruke: 3


icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?09.12.2009. u 22:07 - pre 176 meseci
ma ne pada mi na pamet,ni ja niti iko koga znam...eto sazivaju sastanke da li da zatvore skole,pa treba dobiti vakcine,sto ce sa njima ako ih ne podijele jadnom narodu???e blago nama....
Odgovor na temu :: Svakodnevnica :: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?

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